Anagama Firings




Studio Tour
Shino Pots
Woodfire Pots
Anagama Firings
Current Pots
Tea Interest
Older Work
Kiln & Tools
The Story
Slide Show
Studio Sales



Firing Nils Lou's Anagama @ East Creek:

b046.jpg (70268 bytes) b048.jpg (74310 bytes) b047.jpg (63049 bytes)
b046: Stacking pots in the the back b048.......Stoking front b047.......Closing door

(Click on any picture to enlarge)

b045.jpg (88023 bytes) b044.jpg (92561 bytes) b051.jpg (109697 bytes)
b045 Front & side stoking b044... Final stoking @ 72 hours b051....10 days later, ash pit & pots


b053.jpg (97599 bytes)


b053  Four hours later, 500 pots & 17 stokers.

Firing the Anagama @ Jewel Creek

b055.jpg (79939 bytes) b049.jpg (89846 bytes)
b055 Stoking the front.... b049


b056.jpg (74532 bytes) b054.jpg (85383 bytes) b050.jpg (84364 bytes)
b056 Side stoking...... b054 ..A place to stand b050 ...Nearing the end of the firing.

      "I find the occasional anagama firing to be a nice 'bookend' experience to the more regular firings in my Doorless Fiber Kiln, inasmuch as the spirit of shared camaraderie and purpose around a two-week period recharges me after a period of working alone in my own kiln. These two distinct fires are nearly polar opposites, and help to keep me centered in my work and friendships."

next page: Metaphorical Pots



 This page was last updated on 03/29/09.
  Site design: Rol Murrow (see his site) and Hank Murrow (contact Hank here
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